Surviving Spouse Rights in Iowa Still Evolving
The rights of a surviving spouse (male or female) in Iowa are not exactly "clear cut". When you have numerous methods on how property can pass at death (named beneficiary, joint ownership, will, trust, intestate) and sprinkle in second marriage situations with kids from an earlier relationship, you can create a minefield of problems. I have written previously on a court's allowance of the disinheritance of a spouse in a December 2009 district court case. In a different district court, another court has taken a different approach. Betty Rich was the surviving spouse of William Rich. William Rich had three daughters from a prior marriage and none from his marriage with Betty. Mr. Rich's will & trust combo created the standard AB trust with the QTIP provisions. (Another future blog post.) Betty wasn't thrilled with what she was receiving under her husband's estate plan (or from the insurance policies) so she proceeded to opt for her elective share